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Shields and Gerson on GOP health care bill conflict, Trump’s wiretap tweet
Nancy Pelosi on GOP health care plan, Trump's wiretap claim
Shields and Brooks on Obamacare repeal failure, Gorsuch grilling
Shields and Brooks on Trump’s conservative confrontation, Senate’s Gorsuch showdown
Is the House GOP healthcare bill the "win" President Trump needs?
Dickerson on GOP health care plan, Trump's wiretap claim
Shields and Gerson on the Obama transgender decree, Trump’s campaign
Republican Rep. defends the GOP's new health care bill
Trump congratulates GOP on health care bill
Shields and Brooks on GOP home-district hostility, Trump policy reversals
Will the CBO estimate make GOP’s health bill harder to sell?
Sen. Rand Paul says new GOP health care bill could be worse than Obamacare